‘Bleisure’ Travel

‘Bleisure’ Travel

It’s become increasingly important in recent years to find innovative ways to achieve work-life balance. Hence, the invention of “bleisure” travel — the combination of business and leisure in a single trip. In fact, about 60 percent of travelers worldwide mix work with a little vacation; among Americans, the phenomenon has increased by 40 percent in just the last two years.1

Industry experts cite the following reasons for the recent growth in this form of travel:2

  • Airline ticket prices have dropped in the last three years, making it more affordable to book a companion seat and tack a few vacation days onto a business trip.
  • Many businesses prefer their employees to travel after a Saturday night for lower airfare, which gives employees a good reason to add on a day or two.
  • Millennials, ever resourceful, have paired full vacations with business trips to help achieve better work-life balance, not to mention enjoy certain luxuries they could not otherwise afford.

On average, bleisure travelers around the world take more than six business trips per year, 70 percent of which include attending a conference.3 For entrepreneurs looking to fit in a vacation, finding a professionally valuable conference in a desirable location could be just the ticket. You can catch some R&R, expand your professional network and have your business pay for many of the expenses.

There are even hybrid online/traditional travel agencies specializing in helping plan bleisure trips for the best value. The most popular destinations for bleisure travel are those with great food and restaurants, beaches, good weather, a natural environment to explore and sightseeing venues like historical monuments.4

1 Hospitality.net. May 17, 2018. “Bleisure Travelers are Hungry for Sunshine, Sightseeing, and Cuisine.” https://www.hospitalitynet.org/news/4088469.html. Accessed July 4, 2018.
2 Travel Weekly. Sept. 14, 2017. “Bleisure Travel Becomes Big Business.” https://www.travelweekly.com/Strategic-Content/Bleisure-Travel. Accessed July 4, 2018.
3 Hospitality.net. May 17, 2018. “Bleisure Travelers are Hungry for Sunshine, Sightseeing, and Cuisine.” https://www.hospitalitynet.org/news/4088469.html. Accessed July 4, 2018.
4 Ibid.