Do you have a plan for retirement? Maybe you have a 401K and some savings, which is a great start, but there is so much more that goes into retirement planning. Things like, planning for rising healthcare costs, creating an income plan, so you don’t have to sacrifice your lifestyle or go back to work, having a forward-looking tax strategy so you aren’t overpaying, and creating an estate plan. At Beacon, we understand that retirement planning can feel overwhelming, which is why we offer a FREE Financial Plan Checkup. This comprehensive analysis of your retirement plan will help you determine if you have all the important areas of your life covered and are on the right track to reach your retirement goals.
Enhancing Your Retirement Strategy for 2024 – Part 1
Published on: Dec 30, 2023
If you were to look back at 2023, how would you rank the year? What were your highs? What were your lows? Was it a good year for you personally? Now what about your finances? How did your portfolio perform this year? Some people might say they have done really well, and others not so well.
In this episode of Beacon Retirement Strategies, we are going to discuss different things you can do to help enhance your retirement strategy in 2024.