Will Your Retirement Game Plan Last As Long As You Do?

Published on: Dec 12, 2020

If you have done a good job of saving and investing for retirement but have no plan for your money beyond that, it could come back to haunt you in a big way. In this show, we address what are the most significant items you need to address beyond saving and investing for retirement. In this episode, we share 7 questions you must answer before you can call it quits and retire, here are the first three:

  • How will I replace my paycheck in retirement?
  • Do I have a plan to reduce my taxes in retirement?
  • How will I protect my purchasing power against inflation?

Host Ben Christy interviews Beacon Capital Management’s CEO and Co-Owner Jon Maxson, and Executive Vice President, Dan Benson, for this episode of the Beacon Retirement Strategies Radio Show: Will Your Retirement Game Plan Last As Long As You Do?

Are you considering retiring in the near future — but aren’t sure if you have enough money saved? This is a difficult assessment under any circumstance, but certain factors make it even more complex. You’ve worked hard to get to where you are and running out of money during retirement is not an option.

Getting a second opinion of your current retirement plan is a wise move, and we offer that at no cost and no obligation at Beacon.

SCHEDULE A CALL TODAY TO GET YOUR FREE FINANCIAL PLAN CHECKUP! This includes a tax analysis, along with an income analysis, a Social Security analysis, a fee and risk report, and a portfolio stress test.

Also, download our FREE RETIREMENT PLANNING CHECKLIST to see which areas you need to cover to have a comprehensive retirement plan.

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