The “Beacon Retirement Strategies Podcast” provides valuable insights, tips, and strategies related to retirement planning. Hosted by Jon Maxson, Pete Benson, Dan Benson, and Ben Christy from Beacon Capital Management, the podcast aims to educate and empower listeners as they navigate the complexities of retirement planning and wealth management.

We’ll also address common challenges and concerns that retirees or those nearing retirement age may encounter, offering practical solutions and guidance to help listeners achieve their retirement goals.

Covering a range of topics such as investment strategies, tax considerations, estate planning, healthcare expenses, and social security optimization.

Episode 15: The Ultimate Retirement Checklist

A comprehensive plan for retirement will take all the different factors and decisions you’ll face about your retirement into account. Remember, it’s important to be collaborating with a team of people, all working arm-in-arm to help you unpack and uncover every aspect...

Episode 14: 4 Overlooked Risks That Could Threaten Your Retirement

We know retirement can be complex, and we hope this episode helps break down some of that complexity. Peace of mind in retirement requires a plan and regular check-ins with your financial advisor. Schedule a call with us today so we can begin to understand your needs...

Episode 13: 4 Steps to be Retirement Ready

4 Steps to be Retirement Ready: Due to unforeseen job losses or health issues a greater percentage of Americans could be retiring much sooner than they thought. Are you retirement ready?

Episode 11: 4 Ways To Protect Your IRA and 401K in Uncertain Times

The best way to feel secure about your investments during the Covid-19 pandemic is to talk to a financial advisor. Even though the world feels a bit uncertain right now, you still deserve to have confidence in your retirement plan. Schedule a call today with a Beacon...

Episode 10: Navigating Market Volatility

We know we can’t predict the future, but there are steps you can take now to stay sane and get the most out of your retirement plan, even during a volatile market. The best thing to do is to talk to a financial advisor. Make sure you’re working with a financial...

Start a conversation with a Beacon Advisor

Understanding You

Sit down with an advisor to discover your financial goals, priorities, and mindset.

Creating your plan

Your advisor will build a comprehensive plan based off of your specific needs, supported by the entire Beacon professional team.

Helping to keep you on track

Our advisor is with you every step of the way, advising and adjusting the plan as needed.

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